Call Farrell Appraisal Services to discuss appraisals regarding Schoharie foreclosures

Foreclosure Appraisals in Schoharie County

Homes that have reverted to the bank's holding and properties in foreclosure bring forth special appraisal difficulties.

When dealing with a house in foreclosure, you need to ascertain market value versus a "quick disposition" price to know your likely charge-off liability. We can provide both snapshots of market value for our mortgage servicing clients, in addition to "quick sale" forecasts that take into account your time line.

You need a company with the qualifications to deal with the specific dynamics of a foreclosure appraisal. For a company you can count on, contact Farrell Appraisal Services.

Occupants of property in foreclosure might be uncooperative to allowing an inspection of the property, thus presenting unique challenges. They could have deserted the home already and/or ignored the care of the property for some time - or worse, intentionally harmed the property.

For real estate that has gone back to Real Estate Owned, you most likely will be going for a fast resolution. Regardless, you'll still want to consider three angles for figuring the value of the asset:

  • As Repaired. Value with the work required to make the property marketable at full market value - consistent with similar properties in the neighborhood
  • As-is. The market value of the property without any repairs performed
  • Quick sale. Somewhere in the middle, with minimal investment in repairs - to get rid of the property quickly, probably as a "fixer-upper"
Again, we understand your timeline and the unique circumstances of an REO home, as well as the special data you'll need - competing listings, neighborhood trends, and so forth. You can rely on Farrell Appraisal Services to handle the task of your bank owned property with expertise and professionalism. Contact us today.